Table of Contents
Depth Buffer Fix
Depth buffer fix is a patch that fixes jaggy lines on clouds and blocks in the distance on some GPUs.
How to Make
First, you need to navigate to the Minecraft.class within your source code.
Once there, in the place where it has this code right under the
Display.setTitle(“Minecraft Version Name Here”);
code, replace this try statement
try { Display.create(); }
with this one that has been ripped out of Beta 1.8
try { PixelFormat pixelformat = new PixelFormat(); pixelformat = pixelformat.withDepthBits(24); Display.create(pixelformat); }
- Johnanater#6836
Supported Versions
mods/depthbufferfix.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/26 22:44 by calmilamsy