=====Depth Buffer Fix===== Depth buffer fix is a patch that fixes jaggy lines on clouds and blocks in the distance on some GPUs. ====Downloads===== [[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/397839387465089054/541705798401785874/Depth_Buffer_Fix_Beta_1.7.3.zip|b1.7.3]] ====How to Make==== First, you need to navigate to the Minecraft.class within your source code. Once there, in the place where it has this code right under the Display.setTitle("Minecraft Version Name Here"); code, replace this try statement try { Display.create(); } with this one that has been ripped out of Beta 1.8 try { PixelFormat pixelformat = new PixelFormat(); pixelformat = pixelformat.withDepthBits(24); Display.create(pixelformat); } - Johnanater#6836 =====Supported Versions===== Any version <=b1.7.3 using the mentioned method. * [[versions:b1.7.3]]